Saturday 15 March 2014

                                  Computer softwar
Computer software is a set of instructions that directs a computer on what and how to perform these instructions. The instructions are usually a collection of computer programs and related data. There are two types of computer software: system software-programs that allow the hardware to run properly and application software-programs that allow users to do something besides simply run the hardware.
Aomputer software, is the collection of computer programs and related data that provide the instructions telling a computer what to do.
In my experienece, computer software is an essential part of being able to access vital information on your pc. Computer software can be used for, document management, tax computing, and most importantly, your opertaing system is a type of software. The list of software is endless, there is computer software for virtually everything.
Computer software is a program written specifically to perform a function that the user needs it to. For instance Microsoft Word performs tasks such as letter writing and checks spelling. 
(Orang Infotech)

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